Wednesday, November 17, 2010

why i get a flu shot...

many people have asked me why i, a 21 yr old perfectly healthy person, get the flu shot every year. i dont really feel like i should have to justify why i get it, it seems like common sense to me to get the flu shot, but i got to thinking about it and heres why...

i get it for the people i love. for people i dont know who have weakened immune systems. for everyone around me. for myself. for social responsibility. for the kids i work with on a weekly basis. but most of all i get it for laura.

that sounds weird, im sure. but i live with her. she has a weakened immune system. if she were to get the flu it could be devastating. if her mom or sister were to get the flu it could be even worse.

honestly, i dont understand why people DONT get the flu shot unless for some medical reason they cant. its simple. it barely hurts. it takes a few minutes out of your life. you can even find free shot clinics to get it if you cant afford it. i come into contact with so many people every day who it could be devastating for if they were to get the flu that for me it seems like a no-brainer.

i guess not everyone thinks like me...

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